Picture of Raj


Uploading the file and viewing the dataset: "Display App" using Shiny R

I just created my very first and very basic Shiny R App (“Display“) which can be used to upload a dataset file and highlight the details of the dataset.

One of the challenges I came across in the initial stages while setting up the Shiny R App is that it was difficult to do the data wrangling within the Shiny environment, which in a way makes sense because it could complicate the UI.R and Server.R codes. The only solution I could find at this moment is to clean and organize the data from the R studio, export the cleaned dataset into local drive and then use it further for Shiny R. But I am sure, there could be other easier alternatives that could be determined after further exploration.

First look of my Shiny App: "Display"

Expected output:


Below gives example ideas for your Shiny app:

> runExample()

Valid examples are “01_hello”, “02_text”, “03_reactivity”, “04_mpg”, “05_sliders”, “06_tabsets”, “07_widgets”, “08_html”, “09_upload”, “10_download”, “11_timer”

> runExample(“01_hello”)

My code: Github link

Deploying and sharing your own Shiny AppLink