"Is my job safe?"​ : Future of Work

Picture of Hemraj


The workforce and the workplace of most of the organizations are rapidly evolving and are becoming highly dynamic. As much as the future of work is looking to be intriguing, intrusive and pervasive, at the same time, it is appearing to be more promising. Among the multifaceted aspects of the “future of work” below are something to be mindful of:-

  • Machines over human – There’s an imminent “Robocalypse” in which by 2025 machines will do more work than humans. Machines and Robots will handle 52 percent of current tasks by 2025 (World Economic Forum report). Initially, the machines were taking up repetitive and mundane tasks like toll-collection and mail sorting. But now they have taken over more complex and taxing roles – Bartender, Soldier, Pharmacist, Farmer, Bomb squad, Housekeeper, Doc-review(Legal) and Tellers (Banking) and it is seeming that in future the machines will dominate the humans.


  • Human-machine collaboration as a disruption – We are seeing the prominence of robotics acting as an aid especially in healthcare which gives an indication that “human-machine collaboration” would be an incessant disruption to the future of work (Deloitte insights).


Disruption through Human-Machine collaboration

  • Agility – There would be a significant change in the dimension of work, as there will be a rise of Agile teams – sometimes referred as the “tribe” this would be a small group of diverse and specialized experts that would be autonomous and self-managed (Grenier report). Work in the future would also see “leadership” as an influencer rather than the formal authority.


  • Experts in demand – There would be a surge in the demand of contractors, freelancers and skilled experts in Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Big data, Blockchain and Cloud technologies.

Diverse and specialized job roles

  • Redesigned jobs and skills – In the next 10 years, there will be a rise of new, diverse and specialized job roles such as Quantum Machine learning analyst, Augmented Reality journey builder, AI-Assisted healthcare technician, Data detective, and AI Business development manager (Cognizant report).


  • Rise of Intelligent technologies – One of the most significant changes that would be seen in the future of work would be the use of “Intelligent technologies” especially Artificial intelligence and Machine learning which would be automating most of the tasks at the workplace (Abramovich).


  • AI would still surrender to roles that involve emotional or social experiences Although there are certain jobs that could be replaced by AI, there are still others that cannot be replaced as it would require a high level of emotional, social and intelligence to be successful. Do check (Will Robots take my job?) to see if your job is in danger.